Source code for reader.serializers

"""Model serializers for the reader app."""

from typing import Dict, Generic, List, Optional, Type, TypeVar

from django.db.models import F

from rest_framework.fields import (
    CharField, DateTimeField, IntegerField, SerializerMethodField, URLField
from rest_framework.relations import (
    PrimaryKeyRelatedField, SlugRelatedField, StringRelatedField
from rest_framework.serializers import ModelSerializer
from rest_framework.validators import UniqueTogetherValidator

from .models import Artist, Author, Category, Chapter, Page, Series

[docs]class ArtistSerializer(ModelSerializer): """Serializer for artists."""
[docs] class Meta: model = Artist fields = ('id', 'name') read_only_fields = ('id',)
[docs]class AuthorSerializer(ModelSerializer): """Serializer for authors."""
[docs] class Meta: model = Author fields = ('id', 'name') read_only_fields = ('id',)
[docs]class CategorySerializer(ModelSerializer): """Serializer for categories."""
[docs] class Meta: model = Category fields = ('name', 'description')
[docs]class ChapterSerializer(ModelSerializer): """Serializer for chapters.""" full_title = CharField( source='__str__', read_only=True, help_text='The formatted title of the chapter.' ) views = IntegerField( min_value=0, read_only=True, help_text='The total views of the chapter.' ) series = SlugRelatedField( queryset=Series.objects.only('slug', 'title'), slug_field='slug', help_text='The series of the chapter.' ) groups = StringRelatedField( many=True, help_text='The scanlation groups of the chapter.' ) # type: StringRelatedField url = URLField( source='get_absolute_url', read_only=True, help_text='The absolute URL of the chapter.' )
[docs] def to_representation(self, instance: Chapter) -> Dict: rep = super().to_representation(instance) # HACK: adapt the date format based on a query param dt_format = self.context['request'] \ .query_params.get('date_format', 'iso-8601') published = instance.published rep['published'] = { 'iso-8601': published.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'), 'rfc-5322': published.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'), 'timestamp': str(round(published.timestamp() * 1e3)) }.get(dt_format) return rep
def __uri(self, path: str) -> str: return self.context['view'].request.build_absolute_uri(path) def _get_pages(self, obj: Chapter) -> List[str]: return [self.__uri(p.image.url) for p in obj.pages.iterator()]
[docs] class Meta: model = Chapter fields = ( 'id', 'title', 'number', 'volume', 'published', 'views', 'final', 'series', 'groups', 'full_title', 'url', 'file' ) extra_kwargs = { 'file': {'write_only': True} }
[docs]class PageSerializer(ModelSerializer): """Serializer for chapter pages.""" chapter = PrimaryKeyRelatedField( help_text="The ID of the page's chapter.", queryset=Chapter.objects.order_by( 'series', F('volume').asc(nulls_last=True), 'number' ), write_only=True ) url = URLField( source='get_absolute_url', read_only=True, help_text='The absolute URL of the page.' )
[docs] class Meta: model = Page fields = ('id', 'chapter', 'image', 'number', 'url') extra_kwargs = { 'image': {'help_text': 'The image of the page.'}, 'number': {'help_text': 'The number of the page.'} } validators = ( UniqueTogetherValidator( queryset=Page.objects.all(), fields=('chapter', 'number'), message='The chapter already has a page with this number.' ), )
class _SeriesListSerializer(ModelSerializer): """Serializer for series lists.""" url = URLField( source='get_absolute_url', read_only=True, help_text='The absolute URL of the series.' ) updated = DateTimeField( source='latest_upload', read_only=True, help_text='The latest chapter upload date.' ) chapters = SerializerMethodField( method_name='_get_chapters', allow_null=True, help_text='The number of chapters or null if licensed.' ) def _get_chapters(self, obj: Series) -> Optional[int]: return None if obj.licensed else getattr(obj, 'chapter_count') class Meta: model = Series fields = ( 'slug', 'title', 'url', 'cover', 'updated', 'chapters' ) class _SeriesDetailSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for series details. .. admonition:: TODO :class: warning Make M2M fields editable. """ updated = DateTimeField( source='latest_upload', read_only=True, help_text='The latest chapter upload date.' ) views = IntegerField( min_value=0, read_only=True, help_text='The total chapter views of the series.' ) aliases = StringRelatedField( many=True, required=False, help_text='The alternative titles of the series.' ) # type: StringRelatedField authors = StringRelatedField( many=True, required=False, help_text='The authors of the series.' ) # type: StringRelatedField artists = StringRelatedField( many=True, required=False, help_text='The artists of the series.' ) # type: StringRelatedField categories = StringRelatedField( many=True, required=False, help_text='The categories of the series.' ) # type: StringRelatedField url = URLField( source='get_absolute_url', read_only=True, help_text='The absolute URL of the series.' ) def create(self, validated_data: Dict) -> Series: """Create a new ``Series`` instance.""" # manually set the manager to the current user return super().create({ **validated_data, 'manager_id': self.context['request'] }) class Meta: model = Series fields = ( 'slug', 'title', 'url', 'cover', 'updated', 'description', 'views', 'completed', 'licensed', 'format', 'aliases', 'authors', 'artists', 'categories' ) extra_kwargs = { 'format': { 'write_only': True, 'default': 'Vol. {volume}, Ch. {number}: {title}' } } #: A series serializer type. TSeriesSerializer = TypeVar( 'TSeriesSerializer', Type[_SeriesListSerializer], Type[_SeriesDetailSerializer] )
[docs]class SeriesSerializer(Generic[TSeriesSerializer]): """Generic series serializer."""
[docs] def __class_getitem__(cls, action: str) -> TSeriesSerializer: """ Adapt the series schema based on the action. :param action: An API view action. :return: The actual type of the serializer. """ if action == 'list': return _SeriesListSerializer # type: ignore return _SeriesDetailSerializer # type: ignore
[docs]class CubariSerializer(ModelSerializer): """Serializer for""" title = CharField(read_only=True) description = CharField(read_only=True) original_url = URLField(source='get_absolute_url', read_only=True) artist = SerializerMethodField(method_name='_get_artist') author = SerializerMethodField(method_name='_get_author') cover = SerializerMethodField(method_name='_get_cover') alt_titles = SerializerMethodField(method_name='_get_aliases') metadata = SerializerMethodField(method_name='_get_metadata') chapters = SerializerMethodField(method_name='_get_chapters') def __uri(self, path: str) -> str: return self.context['view'].request.build_absolute_uri(path) def _get_artist(self, obj: Series) -> str: return ', '.join( for a in obj.artists.all()) def _get_author(self, obj: Series) -> str: return ', '.join( for a in obj.authors.all()) def _get_cover(self, obj: Series) -> str: return self.__uri(obj.cover.url) def _get_aliases(self, obj: Series) -> List[str]: return obj.aliases.names() def _get_metadata(self, obj: Series) -> List[List[str]]: return [ ['Author', self._get_author(obj)], ['Artist', self._get_artist(obj)] ] def _get_chapters(self, obj: Series) -> Dict[str, Dict]: return { f'{ch.number:g}': { 'title': ch.title, 'volume': str(ch.volume), 'groups': { ', '.join( for g in ch.groups.all()) or 'N/A': [self.__uri(p.image.url) for p in ch.pages.all()] }, 'last_updated': str(round(ch.modified.timestamp())) } for ch in obj.chapters.all() }
[docs] class Meta: model = Series fields = ( 'title', 'cover', 'original_url', 'description', 'author', 'artist', 'alt_titles', 'metadata', 'chapters' )
__all__ = [ 'ArtistSerializer', 'AuthorSerializer', 'CategorySerializer', 'ChapterSerializer', 'PageSerializer', 'SeriesSerializer', 'CubariSerializer' ]