Source code for reader.feeds

"""RSS and Atom feeds for the reader app."""

from __future__ import annotations

from mimetypes import guess_type
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, Optional

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.syndication.views import Feed
from django.db.models import F, Prefetch
from django.utils import timezone as tz
from django.utils.feedgenerator import Atom1Feed

from .models import Category, Chapter, Series

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from datetime import datetime  # isort:skip
    from django.http import HttpRequest  # isort:skip

_max = settings.CONFIG['MAX_RELEASES']

[docs]class LibraryRSS(Feed): """RSS feed for the series library.""" ttl = 600 link = '/reader/' description = 'Updates when a new series is added' author_name = settings.CONFIG['NAME'] title = f'Library - {author_name}' item_guid_is_permalink = True
[docs] def items(self) -> Iterable[Series]: """ Get an iterable of the feed's items. :return: An iterable of ``Series`` objects. """ categories = Category.objects.only('name') return Series.objects.only( 'slug', 'title', 'description', 'cover', 'created', 'modified' ).prefetch_related( Prefetch('categories', queryset=categories) ).order_by('-created')[:_max]
[docs] def item_description(self, item: Series) -> str: """ Get the description of the item. :param item: A ``Series`` object. :return: The description of the series. """ return item.description.replace('\n', '<br/>')
[docs] def item_categories(self, item: Series) -> Iterable[str]: """ Get the categories of the item. :param item: A ``Series`` object. :return: The names of the series' categories. """ return [ for c in item.categories.all()]
[docs] def item_pubdate(self, item: Series) -> datetime: """ Get the publication date of the item. :param item: A ``Series`` object. :return: The date the series was created. """ return item.created
[docs] def item_updateddate(self, item: Series) -> datetime: """ Get the update date of the item. :param item: A ``Series`` object. :return: The date the series was modified. """ return item.modified
[docs] def item_enclosure_url(self, item: Series) -> Optional[str]: """ Get the enclosure URL of the item. :param item: A ``Series`` object. :return: The URL of the series' cover image, if available. """ if not item.cover: return None return item.cover.url
[docs] def item_enclosure_length(self, item: Series) -> Optional[int]: """ Get the enclosure length of the item. :param item: A ``Series`` object. :return: The size of the series' cover image, if available. """ return item.cover.size if item.cover else None
[docs] def item_enclosure_mime_type(self, item: Series) -> Optional[str]: """ Get the enclosure type of the item. :param item: A ``Series`` object. :return: The mime type of the series' cover image, if available. """ return guess_type(item.cover.path)[0] if item.cover else None
[docs]class LibraryAtom(LibraryRSS): """Atom feed for the series library.""" feed_type = Atom1Feed subtitle = LibraryRSS.description
[docs]class ReleasesRSS(Feed): """RSS feed for chapter releases.""" ttl = 600 author_name = settings.CONFIG['NAME'] item_guid_is_permalink = True
[docs] def get_object(self, request: HttpRequest, slug: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[Series]: """ Get a ``Series`` object from the request. :param request: The original request. :param slug: The slug of the series. :return: The series that has the given slug, or ``None`` if the slug is ``None``. """ if slug is None: return None chapters = Chapter.objects.only( 'title', 'volume', 'number', 'published', 'modified', 'series' ).filter(, series__licensed=False ).order_by(F('volume').asc(nulls_last=True), 'number') return Series.objects.only( 'slug', 'title', 'licensed', 'format' ).prefetch_related( Prefetch('chapters', queryset=chapters) ).get(slug=slug)
[docs] def title(self, obj: Optional[Series]) -> str: """ Get the title of the feed. :param obj: The object of the feed. :return: The title of the series, or ``Releases``. """ title = obj.title if obj else 'Releases' return f'{title} - {self.author_name}'
[docs] def description(self, obj: Optional[Series]) -> str: """ Get the description of the feed. :param obj: The object of the feed. :return: A description with the title of the series, if available. """ if obj is None: return 'Updates when a new chapter is added' if obj.licensed: # pragma: no cover return 'This series is licensed.' return f'Updates when a new chapter of {obj.title} is added'
[docs] def items(self, obj: Optional[Series]) -> Iterable[Chapter]: """ Get an iterable of the feed's items. :param obj: The object of the feed. :return: An iterable of ``Chapter`` objects. """ if getattr(obj, 'licensed', False): # pragma: no cover return [] if hasattr(obj, 'chapters'): return list(obj.chapters.all()) # type: ignore return Chapter.objects.only( 'title', 'volume', 'number', 'published', 'modified', 'series__slug', 'series__title', 'series__format' ).select_related('series').filter(, series__licensed=False ).order_by('-published')[:_max]
[docs] def item_description(self, item: Chapter) -> str: """ Get the description of the item. :param item: A ``Chapter`` object. :return: The ``Chapter`` object as a string. """ desc = str(item) if settings.CONFIG['ALLOW_DLS']: domain = settings.CONFIG['DOMAIN'] url = item.get_absolute_url()[:-1] + '.cbz' scheme = settings.ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_HTTP_PROTOCOL desc = f'<a href="{scheme}://{domain}{url}">{desc}</a>' return desc
[docs] def item_pubdate(self, item: Chapter) -> datetime: """ Get the publication date of the item. :param item: A ``Chapter`` object. :return: The date the chapter was published. """ return item.published
[docs] def item_updateddate(self, item: Chapter) -> datetime: """ Get the update date of the item. :param item: A ``Chapter`` object. :return: The date the chapter was modified. """ return item.modified
[docs]class ReleasesAtom(ReleasesRSS): """Atom feed for chapter releases.""" feed_type = Atom1Feed subtitle = ReleasesRSS.description
__all__ = ['LibraryRSS', 'LibraryAtom', 'ReleasesRSS', 'ReleasesAtom']