Source code for MangAdventure.views

"""The main views and error handlers."""

from __future__ import annotations

from importlib.util import find_spec
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Optional, cast

from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Prefetch
from django.http import HttpResponse, JsonResponse
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.utils import timezone as tz
from django.utils.html import escapejs
from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_control

from groups.models import Group
from reader.models import Category, Chapter

from .bad_bots import BOTS
from .jsonld import breadcrumbs
from .search import parse, query

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from django.http import HttpRequest

def _error_context(msg: str, status: int = 500) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    return {'error_message': msg, 'error_status': status}

[docs]@cache_control(max_age=600, must_revalidate=True) def index(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse: """ View that serves the index page which shows the latest releases. :param request: The original request. :return: A response with the rendered ``index.html`` template. """ max_ = cast(int, settings.CONFIG['MAX_RELEASES']) groups = Group.objects.only('name') latest = Chapter.objects.filter(, series__licensed=False ).order_by('-published').only( 'title', 'number', 'volume', 'final', 'published', 'series__title', 'series__slug', 'series__format' ).prefetch_related( Prefetch('groups', queryset=groups) ).select_related('series')[:max_] uri = request.build_absolute_uri('/') crumbs = breadcrumbs([('Home', uri)]) return render(request, 'index.html', { 'breadcrumbs': crumbs, 'latest_releases': list(latest) })
[docs]@cache_control(public=True, max_age=2628000, immutable=True) def opensearch(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse: """ View that serves the ``opensearch.xml`` file. :param request: The original request. :return: A response with the rendered ``opensearch.xml`` template. """ icon = request.build_absolute_uri(cast(str, settings.CONFIG['FAVICON'])) search_ = request.build_absolute_uri('/search/') self_ = request.build_absolute_uri('/opensearch.xml') return render( request, 'opensearch.xml', { 'name': settings.CONFIG['NAME'], 'search': search_, 'self': self_, 'icon': icon, }, 'application/opesearchdescription+xml' )
[docs]@cache_control(public=True, max_age=31536000, immutable=True) def contribute(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse: """ View that serves the ``contribute.json`` file. :param request: The original request. :return: A response with the ``contribute.json`` file. """ return render(request, 'contribute.json', {}, 'application/json')
[docs]@cache_control(public=True, max_age=2628000, immutable=True) def manifest(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse: """ View that serves the ``manifest.webmanifest`` file. :param request: The original request. :return: A response with the ``manifest.webmanifest`` file. """ return render(request, 'manifest.webmanifest', { 'lang': settings.LANGUAGE_CODE, 'name': escapejs(settings.CONFIG['NAME']), 'description': escapejs(settings.CONFIG['DESCRIPTION']), 'background': settings.CONFIG['MAIN_BG_COLOR'], 'color': settings.CONFIG['MAIN_TEXT_COLOR'], }, 'application/manifest+json')
[docs]@cache_control(public=True, max_age=2628000, immutable=True) def robots(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse: """ View that serves the ``robots.txt`` file. :param request: The original request. :return: A response with the generated ``robots.txt`` file. """ ctype = 'text/plain; charset=us-ascii' robots_ = 'User-agent: *\nDisallow:\n\n' + '\n'.join( f'User-agent: {ua}\nDisallow: /\n' for ua in BOTS ) return HttpResponse(content=robots_, content_type=ctype)
[docs]def handler400(request: HttpRequest, exception: Optional[Exception] = None, template_name: str = 'error.html' ) -> HttpResponse: # pragma: no cover """ Handler for :status:`400` responses. :param request: The original request. :param exception: The exception that occurred. :param template_name: The name of the error template. :return: A :class:`~django.http.JsonResponse` for API URLs, otherwise a response with the rendered error template. """ if request.path.startswith('/api'): return JsonResponse({'error': 'Bad request'}, status=400) context = _error_context( 'The server could not understand the request.', 400 ) return render(request, template_name, context, status=400)
[docs]def handler403(request: HttpRequest, exception: Optional[Exception] = None, template_name: str = 'error.html') -> HttpResponse: """ Handler for :status:`403` responses. :param request: The original request. :param exception: The exception that occurred. :param template_name: The name of the error template. :return: A :class:`~django.http.JsonResponse` for API URLs, otherwise a response with the rendered error template. """ if request.path.startswith('/api'): # pragma: no cover return JsonResponse({'error': 'Forbidden'}, status=403) context = _error_context( 'You do not have permission to access this page.', 403 ) return render(request, template_name, context, status=403)
[docs]def handler404(request: HttpRequest, exception: Optional[Exception] = None, template_name: str = 'error.html') -> HttpResponse: """ Handler for :status:`404` responses. :param request: The original request. :param exception: The exception that occurred. :param template_name: The name of the error template. :return: A :class:`~django.http.JsonResponse` for API URLs, otherwise a response with the rendered error template. """ if request.path.startswith('/api'): # pragma: no cover return JsonResponse({'error': 'Invalid API endpoint'}, status=501) if find_spec('sentry_sdk'): # pragma: no cover from sentry_sdk import capture_message capture_message('Page not found', level='warning') context = _error_context("Sorry. This page doesn't exist.", 404) return render(request, template_name, context, status=404)
[docs]def handler500(request: HttpRequest, exception: Optional[Exception] = None, template_name: str = 'error.html' ) -> HttpResponse: # pragma: no cover """ Handler for :status:`500` responses. :param request: The original request. :param exception: The exception that occurred. :param template_name: The name of the error template. :return: A :class:`~django.http.JsonResponse` for API URLs, otherwise a response with the rendered error template. """ if request.path.startswith('/api'): return JsonResponse({'error': 'Internal server error'}, status=500) context = _error_context( # Shrug 'Whoops! Something went wrong. ¯∖_(ツ)_/¯' ) return render(request, template_name, context, status=500)
__all__ = [ 'index', 'search', 'opensearch', 'robots', 'contribute', 'manifest', 'handler400', 'handler403', 'handler404', 'handler500' ]