Source code for groups.feeds

"""RSS and Atom feeds for the groups app."""

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.syndication.views import Feed
from django.utils import timezone as tz
from django.utils.feedgenerator import Atom1Feed

from reader.models import Chapter

from .models import Group

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from datetime import datetime  # isort:skip
    from django.http import HttpRequest  # isort:skip

[docs]class GroupRSS(Feed): """RSS feed for a group's releases.""" ttl = 600 author_name = settings.CONFIG['NAME'] item_guid_is_permalink = True
[docs] def get_object(self, request: 'HttpRequest', g_id: int) -> Group: """ Get a ``Group`` object from the request. :param request: The original request. :param g_id: The id of the group. :return: The group that has the given id. """ return Group.objects.prefetch_related('releases').get(id=g_id)
[docs] def title(self, obj: Group) -> str: """ Get the title of the feed. :param obj: The object of the feed. :return: The name of the group. """ return f'{} - {self.author_name}'
[docs] def description(self, obj: Group) -> str: """ Get the description of the feed. :param obj: The object of the feed. :return: A description with the name of the group. """ return f'Updates when a new chapter is added by {}'
[docs] def items(self, obj: Group) -> Iterable[Chapter]: """ Get an iterable of the feed's items. :param obj: The object of the feed. :return: An iterable of ``Chapter`` objects. """ _max = settings.CONFIG['MAX_RELEASES'] return obj.releases.filter( ).order_by('-published')[:_max]
[docs] def item_description(self, item: Chapter) -> str: """ Get the description of the item. :param item: A ``Chapter`` object. :return: The ``Chapter`` object as a string. """ desc = str(item) if settings.CONFIG['ALLOW_DLS']: domain = settings.CONFIG['DOMAIN'] url = item.get_absolute_url()[:-1] + '.cbz' scheme = settings.ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_HTTP_PROTOCOL desc = f'<a href="{scheme}://{domain}{url}">{desc}</a>' return desc
[docs] def item_pubdate(self, item: Chapter) -> 'datetime': """ Get the publication date of the item. :param item: A ``Chapter`` object. :return: The date the chapter was published. """ return item.published
[docs] def item_updateddate(self, item: Chapter) -> 'datetime': """ Get the update date of the item. :param item: A ``Chapter`` object. :return: The date the chapter was modified. """ return item.modified
[docs]class GroupAtom(GroupRSS): """Atom feed for a group's releases.""" feed_type = Atom1Feed subtitle = GroupRSS.description
__all__ = ['GroupRSS', 'GroupAtom']