Source code for reader.api

"""API viewsets for the reader app."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Type
from warnings import filterwarnings

from django.db.models import Count, F, Max, Prefetch, Q, Sum
from django.utils import timezone as tz
from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_control

from rest_framework.decorators import action
from rest_framework.exceptions import APIException, NotFound, ParseError
from rest_framework.mixins import (
    CreateModelMixin, DestroyModelMixin, ListModelMixin,
    RetrieveModelMixin, UpdateModelMixin
from rest_framework.parsers import MultiPartParser
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.viewsets import GenericViewSet, ModelViewSet

from api.v2.mixins import METHODS, CORSMixin
from api.v2.pagination import DummyPagination, PageLimitPagination
from api.v2.schema import OpenAPISchema
from groups.models import Group

from . import filters, models, serializers

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from django.db.models.query import QuerySet  # isort:skip
    from rest_framework.request import Request  # isort:skip

# XXX: We are overriding the "Series" schema on purpose.
filterwarnings('ignore', '^Schema', module=OpenAPISchema.__base__.__module__)

class _LegalException(APIException):
    status_code = 451
    default_detail = 'This series is licensed.'
    default_code = 'licensed_series'

[docs]@method_decorator(cache_control(public=True, max_age=1800), 'dispatch') class ArtistViewSet(CORSMixin, ModelViewSet): """ API endpoints for artists. * list: List artists. * read: View a certain artist. * create: Create a new artist. * patch: Edit the given artist. * delete: Delete the given artist. """ schema = OpenAPISchema(tags=('artists',)) queryset = models.Artist.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.ArtistSerializer http_method_names = METHODS
[docs]@method_decorator(cache_control(public=True, max_age=1800), 'dispatch') class AuthorViewSet(CORSMixin, ModelViewSet): """ API endpoints for authors. * list: List authors. * read: View a certain author. * create: Create a new author. * patch: Edit the given author. * delete: Delete the given author. """ schema = OpenAPISchema(tags=('authors',)) queryset = models.Author.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.AuthorSerializer http_method_names = METHODS
[docs]@method_decorator(cache_control(public=True, max_age=900), 'dispatch') class CategoryViewSet(CORSMixin, ModelViewSet): """ API endpoints for categories. * list: List categories. * read: View a certain category. * create: Create a new category. * patch: Edit the given category. * delete: Delete the given category. """ schema = OpenAPISchema(tags=('categories',), component_name='Category') serializer_class = serializers.CategorySerializer queryset = models.Category.objects.all() lookup_field = 'name' http_method_names = METHODS
[docs]@method_decorator(cache_control(public=True, max_age=600), 'dispatch') class PageViewSet(CreateModelMixin, DestroyModelMixin, ListModelMixin, UpdateModelMixin, CORSMixin, GenericViewSet): """ API endpoints for pages. * list: List a chapter's pages. * create: Create a new page. * patch: Edit the given page. * delete: Delete the given page. """ schema = OpenAPISchema(tags=('pages',),) queryset = models.Page.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.PageSerializer filter_backends = filters.PAGE_FILTERS # type: ignore parser_classes = (MultiPartParser,) http_method_names = METHODS
[docs]@method_decorator(cache_control(public=True, max_age=600), 'dispatch') class ChapterViewSet(CORSMixin, ModelViewSet): """ API endpoints for chapters. * list: List chapters. * read: View a certain chapter. * create: Create a new chapter. * patch: Edit the given chapter. * delete: Delete the given chapter. """ schema = OpenAPISchema(tags=('chapters',)) serializer_class = serializers.ChapterSerializer filter_backends = filters.CHAPTER_FILTERS parser_classes = (MultiPartParser,) http_method_names = METHODS
[docs] @action(methods=['get'], detail=True, name='Chapter Pages', serializer_class=serializers.PageSerializer, pagination_class=DummyPagination, filter_backends=[filters.TrackingFilter]) def pages(self, request: Request, pk: int) -> Response: """Get the pages of the chapter.""" try: instance = models.Chapter.objects.filter( ).select_related('series').only( 'series__slug', 'volume', 'series__licensed', 'number' ).prefetch_related('pages').get(id=pk) except ValueError: raise ParseError() except models.Chapter.DoesNotExist: raise NotFound() if instance.series.licensed: raise _LegalException() serializer = serializers.PageSerializer( instance.pages.all(), many=True, context=self.get_serializer_context() ) return self.get_paginated_response(
[docs] @action(methods=['get'], detail=True, name='Read Chapter') def read(self, request: Request, pk: int) -> Response: """Redirect to the reader.""" try: instance = models.Chapter.objects.filter( ).select_related('series').only( 'series__slug', 'volume', 'series__licensed', 'number' ).get(id=pk) except ValueError: raise ParseError() except models.Chapter.DoesNotExist: raise NotFound() if instance.series.licensed: raise _LegalException() url = request.build_absolute_uri(instance.get_absolute_url()) return Response(status=308, headers={'Location': url})
[docs] def retrieve(self, request: Request, *args, **kwargs) -> Response: instance = self.get_object() if instance.series.licensed: raise _LegalException() serializer = self.get_serializer(instance) return Response(
[docs] def get_queryset(self) -> QuerySet: return models.Chapter.objects.select_related('series') \ .filter('-published')
[docs]@method_decorator(cache_control(public=True, max_age=300), 'dispatch') class SeriesViewSet(CORSMixin, ModelViewSet): """ API endpoints for series. * list: List or search for series. * read: View the details of a series. * create: Create a new series. * patch: Edit the given series. * delete: Delete the given series. """ schema = OpenAPISchema( operation_id_base='Series', tags=('series',), component_name='Series' ) filter_backends = filters.SERIES_FILTERS parser_classes = (MultiPartParser,) pagination_class = PageLimitPagination ordering = ('title',) lookup_field = 'slug' http_method_names = METHODS
[docs] @action(methods=['get'], detail=True, name='Series Chapters', serializer_class=serializers.ChapterSerializer, pagination_class=DummyPagination, filter_backends=[filters.DateFormat]) def chapters(self, request: Request, slug: str) -> Response: """Get the chapters of the series.""" try: now = groups = Group.objects.only('name') chapters = models.Chapter.objects.filter( published__lte=now ).order_by('-published') instance = models.Series.objects.annotate( chapter_count=Count('chapters', filter=Q( chapters__published__lte=now )), ).filter(chapter_count__gt=0).prefetch_related( Prefetch('chapters', queryset=chapters), Prefetch('chapters__groups', queryset=groups) ).only('title', 'slug').get(slug=slug) except models.Series.DoesNotExist: raise NotFound() if instance.licensed: raise _LegalException() serializer = serializers.ChapterSerializer( instance.chapters.all(), many=True, context=self.get_serializer_context() ) return self.get_paginated_response(
[docs] def get_queryset(self) -> QuerySet: q = Q( return models.Series.objects.annotate( chapter_count=Count('chapters', filter=q), latest_upload=Max('chapters__published', filter=q), views=Sum('chapters__views', distinct=True) ).filter(chapter_count__gt=0).distinct()
[docs] def get_serializer_class(self) -> Type[serializers.SeriesSerializer]: return serializers.SeriesSerializer[self.action] # type: ignore
[docs]@method_decorator(cache_control(public=True, max_age=600), 'dispatch') class CubariViewSet(RetrieveModelMixin, CORSMixin, GenericViewSet): """ API endpoints for Cubari. * read: Generate JSON for """ schema = OpenAPISchema(tags=('cubari',), operation_id_base='Cubari') serializer_class = serializers.CubariSerializer lookup_field = 'slug' http_method_names = ['get', 'head', 'options']
[docs] def retrieve(self, request: Request, *args, **kwargs) -> Response: instance = self.get_object() if instance.licensed: raise _LegalException() serializer = self.get_serializer(instance) return Response(
[docs] def get_queryset(self) -> QuerySet: pages = models.Page.objects.order_by('number') groups = Group.objects.only('name') chapters = models.Chapter.objects.prefetch_related( Prefetch('pages', queryset=pages), Prefetch('groups', queryset=groups) ).order_by(F('volume').asc(nulls_last=True), 'number').only( 'id', 'title', 'number', 'volume', 'modified', 'series_id' ) return models.Series.objects.defer( 'manager_id', 'modified', 'created', 'status' ).prefetch_related( Prefetch('chapters', queryset=chapters), Prefetch('authors'), Prefetch('artists') )
__all__ = [ 'ArtistViewSet', 'AuthorViewSet', 'CategoryViewSet', 'PageViewSet', 'ChapterViewSet', 'SeriesViewSet', 'CubariViewSet' ]