Source code for config.apps

"""App configuration."""

from django.apps import AppConfig
from django.conf import settings

from PIL import Image

[docs]class SiteConfig(AppConfig): """Configuration for the config app.""" name = 'config' verbose_name = 'Configuration' verbose_name_plural = 'Configuration'
[docs] def ready(self): """Configure the app when it's ready.""" super().ready() # we don't need to attempt to fetch up to 21 results # to figure out if there's an error in the get query __import__('django').db.models.query.MAX_GET_RESULTS = 3 # create manifest icons logo = settings.BASE_DIR / settings.CONFIG['LOGO_OG'].lstrip('/') if logo.is_file(): icon192 = settings.MEDIA_ROOT / 'icon-192x192.webp' if not icon192.exists(): img = img.thumbnail((192, 192), Image.LANCZOS), 'WEBP', lossless=True) img.close() icon512 = settings.MEDIA_ROOT / 'icon-512x512.webp' if not icon512.exists(): img = img.thumbnail((512, 512), Image.LANCZOS), 'WEBP', lossless=True) img.close()
__all__ = ['SiteConfig']